Blog Entry #1 EME2040 Fall 2021

Hello my name is Noah and I am a Senior Psychology major at Florida State University. I like to spend a lot of my time gaming with my friends and playing sports such as soccer, spike ball, ultimate frisbee and football. I am trying to pursue a career in the field of Sports Psychology which to most people sounds like a joke but its becoming a larger and larger field every year. I am extremely invested in my friend groups fantasy football league and the season is about to start in 10 days which is awesome. 
I do not have much experience with using technology in an educational setting. Other than using overhead projectors and basic things like that I have not had much experience or time with newer technology in educational settings. Although I don't have much experience using technology in an educational setting I am very tech savvy and can pick up on changes in technology pretty quick. This is from my time that I spend gaming and streaming to my friends and figuring out all of the technical issues that come along with that.

The learning resources that I use regularly to support my learning needs and goals would have to be reading books that interest me about Psychology. I have been trying to read a new book every 2 months and so far it has been going pretty well. My friend who is a Doctorated Clinical Psychologist recommended me this book "Its not always depression" and I just started it and I highly recommend it. I've also been reading a lot of Jordan Peterson books which I have found to be extremely interesting and thought provoking.
