Blog Entry #3

Copyright law protects your control over the creative work you make. A copyright requires a person to get permission from the original creator before they can use their original creative work or share the work. Fair use is when you can use a small part of someones work without getting permission or paying a fee. Fair use only applies in certain situations such as schoolwork and education, news reporting, criticzizing or commenting, and comedy or parody. 

There are many technology implementation issues that have arisen as new technologies have shaped the societal landscape we live in today. Cyberbullying is one of the biggest problems that our society has faced with the internet boom and it is extremely hard on young children who are very impressionable. My solution to the problem of Cyberbullying is to remove the anonymity from many of these networks that children use to communicate. I feel that the biggest problem with the internet and Cyberbullying is the fact that anyone can say anything from an anonymous account and suffer no reprocussions for destroying a childs self esteem. Another technology implementation issue Academic dishonesty such as cheating, sharing answers etc. With everything going to online classes over the past 2 years of this COVID era we are in, theres been many issues with students taking advantage of  their coursework and exams being online by cheating. My solution to this would be to develop a program that detects when students copy and paste information from the internet into any canvas assignment or exam. 

I learned many new skills from working on my newsletter and I had a great time doing so. I have never spent much time trying to create a visually appealing graphic design or newsletter before and this was great experience. I learned how to create a banner specifically for my classroom and also how to space and format my paragraphs around my graphics in a way that is visually appealing. I could imprrove my newsletter by including more fun text fonts and graphics to make it more appealing to my 5th grade classroom. The skills i learned form the newsletter can be used in my future career by helping me create my own website and better understand how to brand yourself and create a public image that is appealing for my inteded audience.


  1. Hi Noah, I am glad to hear that you are fine tuning technological skills and creating new ones through this class. I am also and find it to be very helpful and full of positive experiences. This class has opened my eyes to the amount of platforms that are out there to be used for a multitude of purposes and functions. I look forward to gaining more skills through this class and I wish you the best and hope you have a great rest of the semester in the class.


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