Blog Journal #7

  There is alot of information on teacher pages and the first one that stuck out to me was their amazon wish list. This is great for parents and students who want to help their teachers out by getting some supplies for their classrooms.  You can also see what classes that teacher is instructing that year or semester. There is also tons of fun personal info that allow students to get to know their teachers a little bit before they actually go to class. It also shows you what degrees or certifications they may have.

I have a great love for technology and will be using it in my classroom a lot throughout this year. One of the productivity tools that we will use in class this year is Google Drive. Google Drive allows you to keep your files accessable wherever you go as long as you know your log on and I think it is a great way to keep my students on track and organized. We will also be using Grammarly which is a tool that helps students revise and edit their papers. Along with these two tools we will use a fair share of Wiki's in our classroom to quickly find information as we go along in class.

My experience working on a wiki platform was both enjoyable and frustrating at times. I love how quick and easy it is to find information on PB Works and it is a great way to share information. My frustration came from not being able to work with my group when they met because I was working so it was somewhat difficult to get caught up but I managed. I could use a wiki with my future K-12 students for presenting group projects.
