
Portfolio Item 28: New PLN Tool

 #fsu2040  I will be adding Youtube to my PLN because it is a great resource that has hundreds of thousands of teacher made resources to help aid my students learning. I will use this resource as a supplement to my lesson plans to aid in any confusion.

Portfolio Item 24: Bitmoji Classroom


Blog Journal # 9

 The past few years have been a rollercoaster of ups and downs when it comes to taking classes at a university. Over the past 2, almost 3 years now we have been learning completely remotely and it has forced students to adapt to the way they can learn now. For me personally, I like remote learning alot because it has saved me a ton of money in rent expenses being able to learn from home. Another reason I like remote learning is that it allows me to get my work done from wherever I am and don't need to go to a physical location. When I am a teacher one thing I will do to help improve the experience of distance learners will be to make sure I meet with them one on one each week to make sure they are not falling behind because it is very easy to do so when distanced learning. OER is the acronym for Open Educational Resources which means that these are resources that are free and publicly available for anyone to use. The article that I found covers what exactly OER's are and how pe...

Blog Journal #8

 Creating a website was a great experience that taught me how to do many things that I had no clue how to do before. I had never created a website before this assignment, and I learned how to format a website and make it visually appealing to my students. I really liked this assignment because it showed me how to create hyperlinks and insert backgrounds and photos. What I learned from this assignment will help me in my future career because I want to be a Sports Psychologists and I will need my own website for clients. Diigo is a very helpful tool and I am glad I was introduced to it in this class. Diigo can be useful in your classroom because it allows students to share and access articles that other students have used. It can also be useful with team members as it allows for easy communication and a permanent place to store any articles your team is working on. Individually Diigo is very useful even as just a storage spot for articles you...

Blog Journal #7

    There is alot of information on teacher pages and the first one that stuck out to me was their amazon wish list. This is great for parents and students who want to help their teachers out by getting some supplies for their classrooms.  You can also see what classes that teacher is instructing that year or semester. There is also tons of fun personal info that allow students to get to know their teachers a little bit before they actually go to class. It also shows you what degrees or certifications they may have. I have a great love for technology and will be using it in my classroom a lot throughout this year. One of the productivity tools that we will use in class this year is Google Drive. Google Drive allows you to keep your files accessable wherever you go as long as you know your log on and I think it is a great way to keep my students on track and organized. We will also be using Grammarly which is a to...

Blog Journal #6

Using Diigo this semester has been a very helpful tool for me and my study habits. My thoughts on Diigo were not always very positive as I would get annoyed that it was popping up on my screen when I was not working on school work. I got over this quickly as I just disable it whenever Im not using it but I really like that you can highlight and annotate articles easily and efficiently. Diigo has also been really helpful at finding and sharing articles with our class. Blogging is a new experience for me, I have never really done it before and I have to say it is a cool way to express and remember your thoughts. I have learned that you cant really overthink it and make yourself sound like an expert because its just a place to express your thoughts. One thing that I do not like about blogging is that sometimes I place to much pressure on myself to sound like a genius when I know I don't need to. But overall it has been an awesome experience and Im glad that it is apart of our course m...

Blog Journal #5

 I have been using twitter for about 6 or 7 years now and it can be beneficial in many different ways. Ive really only used twitter for showing my friends interesting articles or sending funny videos. Twitter is an amazing platform that has the most connectivity I have seen in a social media platform besides TikTok which is one of the biggest benefits of the platform. Twitter allows you to send direct messages to almost anyone you want so this can be very helpful for getting in touch with businesses and potential job opportunities.  The digital divide affects many students success in schools and for a lot of people they will never experience this because they're family is in a financial situation where they dont have to worry about access to technology. The digital divide can affect students success in schools by not having access to study tools, quizlets, and other study materials that are accessed through technology. A major cause of the digital divide is increasing technolo...